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Chinese translation for "legionella pneumophila"


Related Translations:
bacillus legionnaires pneumophila:  嗜肺军团杆菌
pneumophila bacillus legionnaires:  嗜肺军团杆菌
legionella:  军团杆菌属军团菌属康复出院团藻退伍军人杆菌退伍军人症杆菌
legionella eumophilia:  嗜肺军团菌
legionella anisa:  茴香军团菌
legionella culture:  军团杆菌属培养
legionella cherrii:  彻氏军团菌
legionella israelensis:  以色列军团菌
legionella pneumophilla:  退伍军人症菌
legionella maceachernii:  马氏军团菌
Example Sentences:
1.The infection status of legionella pneumophila in children and its role in pediatric community - acquired pneumonia were investigated
2.Fifty - three paired sera were tested to determine the role of legionella pneumophila in pediatric , community - acquired , atypical pneumonia
3.Fifty - three paired sera were tested to determine the role of legionella pneumophila in pediatric , community - acquired , atypical pneumonia
4.The serologic test for legionella infection is species - specific and focuses on legionella pneumophila , not on other species , which remain possible , if unlikely , culprits
5.Whether it had regularly taken and tested water samples from cooling tower systems of buildings in the past three years ; if it had , of the annual number of water samples taken for testing , and the number of cooling towers the water samples from which were found to have legionella pneumophila in excess of the prescribed standard ; and
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